Friday, May 10th
original site mallu aunty casey loves to fuck.

By Debbie Meehan

As I sit here this month finishing up the paper while watching the snow fall, I do so with a peace around me from reflecting back on the goodness I’ve watched unfold from the holiday season gone by. It never ceases to amaze me how kind the human soul can truly be when we stop focusing on the negativity in the world and rather fill our hearts with compassion and kindness.

When mid November approaches each year, so do people who want to help. I’m not sure what it is about the holidays that make us all a bit kinder, but for some reason it just does. This year during the holidays, our community donated food and turkeys for so many Woodbridge Township families in need of a warm meal for the holiday. It seemed every time I went out I came home and found another turkey or basket of food in my hallway that someone dropped off to help another in need (thank god I have great friends with big freezers). And the goodness just never stopped the whole season. I’d like to share with you just a few of the moments I saw this season to warm your heart during these cold winter days…

December 1st- Woodbridge Police Department and Santa and Mrs. Claus spent an early Sunday morning shopping in Walmart with 17 children who needed a little extra holiday love this year. After the police officers individually shopped with the children, the children were taken on a bus to Iselin Firehouse where upon arrival they were greeted by yet more WB Police Officers who were there since 5am preparing a delicious breakfast for them. These elves in blue were not working on the clock that day, in fact they were volunteering their day off away from their own families during the holidays as they continued to do what they do best as they served and protected the “little” residents of Woodbridge Township.

December 13th- Colonia Middle and High School students spent the evening at our Annual Cookies and Cans event packing up food and cookies that were dropped off that evening by residents of the community. The students first packed up the large boxes that were to be sent overseas for the holidays to local Troops so that they could have a package from home to enjoy while being so far from their families. The students overfilled the boxes with cookies and tons of candy that was also donated along with many supplies. While they were packing, I showed them a few pictures of the men and women they were sending the boxes to. Next thing I know, these students who were there for community service hours were writing personal cards to the troops, talking amongst themselves about how hard it must be and putting such gentle care into each package, for now they weren’t just any old boxes, they were being sent to young men and women who lived in their town. They continued to put that same compassion and kindness into the dinner baskets they made up next for families in need. They took great care to make sure each family got one of every item and if they couldn’t find that item at first they searched until they did. Again this wasn’t just for anyone, it was for a family in need in their own town. After the baskets were packed up the students and adult volunteers wrapped toys for 19 children to be delivered to Woodbridge Twp. families.

December 7th & 14th – On December 7th, Woodbridge Billiards Club along with WB Twp. Police, Firemen and EMT’s spent the morning playing pool against each other in an effort to collect toys for local children in need. The price of admission was one toy but most carried in an armful to secure that no child would be left without a present. Then, on December 14th, Terri Falco and Pat Trombetta spearheaded a beautiful Children’s Christmas party, along with their many volunteers. The room was filled with beautiful little voices singing carols as they waited in anticipation for Santa. As Santa came into the room and began to give out toys, little eyes sparkled with happiness, as caregivers eyes filled with tears of gratitude. Without this party, many of these children may have gone without a toy this Christmas.

December 20th – With just five days left to Christmas, Santa packed up his sled one last time to visit 4 special families. Two of the children we went to visit that evening are battling serious health problems which keeps them in their homes to prevent them from being exposed to germs. Since a visit to Santa at the mall would just not be possible this year, Santa came to them via the Colonia Fire Truck (thank you CFD). The sparkle in their eyes and excitement in their hearts when the fire truck pulled up with Santa could be the postcard for what the meaning of Christmas should stand for. Santa’s next stop was to pay a visit to a family that is new to our town and who does not yet know a lot of people. Santa stopped in to visit their three young children and to say thank you to their dad, who just returned from his deployment in Iraq. Santa giving this soldier a hug solidified our thanks to those serving our country who could not be home with their families this holiday season. The hug, a symbol of thanks and peace, was for all our troops. Santa’s last stop was to visit the little girl and her parents who lost their home when a plane crashed into it. Surrounded by a large group of cousins, aunts, uncles and friends, this family today was not mourning the loss of their home but instead celebrating all they still had and the realization that it can change in a moments time. This Christmas the greatest gift they received was the blessing of life.

Love, kindness and compassion should not end just because the holidays do. Keep it in your heart all year long and let’s keep taking care of each other so we can all be the best people we can be. May peace, love and health embrace your families in 2020!