Thursday, May 16th
original site mallu aunty casey loves to fuck.

Maria Anan and her daughter Katrina, both Language Arts teachers at Avenel Middle School, along with AMS Principal Mr. Short, Vice Principal Mr. Hugelmeyer and teachers, Ms. Gavin and Mrs. Tulloch, knew the world could use a little hope and sunshine and the world needed it right now so they came up with a project called “Project Sunshine”.  Through their distance learning program with students learning from home, students sent over 230 letters to local nursing homes and hospitals to show their appreciation to the staff and to spread a little sunshine to the patients.   The letters aimed to remind Senior Citizens that they were not alone and that students were thinking of them. The cards made for the hospital staff thanked the doctors and nurses for their dedication during this difficult time and asked them to please take care of themselves also.  Thank you AMS for bringing sunshine to our Senior Citizens and our Medical Staff on the front lines of this pandemic.

Ananda Ames, 7th grade student at Avenel Middle School, is pictured showing off her letter from home.   #AMSprojectsunshine  #woodbridgebesttownaround  #togetherwearecommunity  #cornerpapernj