Sunday, May 19th
original site mallu aunty casey loves to fuck.

November 2019

A community is a group of people who share something in common. You can define a community by the shared attributes of the people in it and/or by the strength of the connections among them. You need a group of people who are alike in some way, who feel some sense of belonging or interpersonal connection. Communities are people. They are not abstractions. They are not rhetoric. They are human beings.

On October 29th, the community of Colonia was shaken to its core when a plane crashed into three homes. Unfortunately the pilot of the small plane was killed, but somehow by the grace of God no one on the ground was injured in the crash. The aftermath of that crash could have been catastrophic had anyone been home in the house, had it hit another house with families inside or had it hit one of the nearby schools. Immediately, the Colonia Fire Department was on the scene, along with every fire department from Woodbridge Township and other neighboring towns. I was there at the scene right after it happened as neighbors gathered to see if they could help anyone or do anything. All their words were the same, “Are the families ok, was anyone hurt?” All along thinking of the realization that the plane could have hit any of their homes while they were inside. I don’t think there was a person in the crowd that had gathered who wasn’t thankful to be alive at that moment and who realized that this terrible tragedy could have been so much worse.

In the days to follow once again the residents of this community stepped up to help the families that were affected. Immediately before the flames were even out the Mayor set up a Charity fund to help the families. On the Saturday after the fire we spent the day outside the Evergreen Center collecting donations and gift cards. So many people in this great community stopped by to support these families they didn’t even know. “They are our neighbors, we just want to help,” one woman said. Another handed me a soft teddy bear for the little girl that lived in the house that was totally destroyed and said, “I wanted the little girl to have something to hug,” tears rolling down her face and ours as she spoke.
But, out of all the beautiful words that were spoken that day and the kindness that was shown, the one that moved me the most was that of two young boys, Aiden Pydeski, 10 and Declan O’Rourke, 12, of Colonia, that came to make a donation.

Like most young children the boys love Halloween and the sweet treats they receive but this year what they wanted to receive was much sweeter: As they went door to door they handed their neighbors this letter…
“Happy Help-O-Ween”
“Hi, we are the “Jofrendy Kids” (we live in the area of Joanna, Frederick and Wendy). As you know, on Tuesday, October 29th, not far from here, a plane crashed and destroyed 3 homes in Colonia. After seeing this devastation in our community, we knew we had to do something to help! So this year instead of treats, we are asking our neighbors to consider giving us your spare change as a donation for these families that lost so much. We will still be Trick or Treating door to door but for donations instead of candy. All money collected by the Jofrendy Kids will be donated to the Woodbridge Community Charity Fund which has been designated by the
township to collect donations to help these families.”
Aiden and Declan raised $ 592.15 and I think their letter says it all…

Community is a group of people who share something in common and this community what they share in common is kindness and human compassion for each other, and there is nothing better than that!

So remember, this holiday season promise yourself that you will slow down and enjoy it. Give food to someone that is hungry, give a toy to a needy child, bake cookies for an elderly neighbor and then stay with them awhile, or attend one of the several fund raisers or events we have listed in this issue, give the gift of yourself this holiday season, for there is truly no better gift to give.

From our families to your families, Happy Thanksgiving!