Monday, February 10th
original site mallu aunty casey loves to fuck.

Mayor McCormac and Municipal Council Encourage Township Residents to Honor Military Veterans Who Have Served in the Name of Freedom 

Mayor John E. McCormac announced that public ceremonies commemorating Veteran’s Day 2019 get underway on Sun., Nov. 10 at 1:30 PM as Woodbridge Township Veterans, military personnel, marching bands, community organizations and Township residents parade from the Ross Street School to Main Street in honor of the men and women who have served our nation in time of war and in peace.

“Woodbridge Township veterans and military personnel will march to Town Hall where they will be honored for their service to our Township, state and nation,” Mayor McCormac said. “It is a great privilege to recognize our Veterans and to let them know that we appreciate their sacrifice in the defense of our freedom and for their service to our nation in times of emergency and disaster.

Join members of Woodbridge Township veterans organizations – American Legion Post #87, American Legion Post #471, American Legion Post #248, the Cpl. Kevin J. Reinhard Marine Corps League Detachment #189, VFW Woodbridge Memorial Post #4410, VFW Hopelawn Memorial Post #1352, VFW Colonia Memorial Post #6061, VFW Avenel Memorial Post #7164, VFW Iselin Memorial Post #2636, VFW Fords Memorial Post #6090, DAV Chapter #56 – along with Woodbridge Township public service and emergency response units, scouting, youth, civic and historic organizations, the Woodbridge, Colonia and JFK High School marching bands, and parade dignitaries.