The Woodbridge Police Department (WPD) will participate in the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA’s) 27th annual “National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day” on Sat., October 26. The program, geared to prevent prescription drug abuse, is FREE and will be held from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Town Hall Parking Lot located at One Main Street, Woodbridge.
According to Woodbridge Police Director Robert Hubner, the WPD will collect expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs that are potentially dangerous if left in the family’s medicine cabinet. Law enforcement investigations have determined that medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse and that individuals that abuse prescription drugs often obtained them from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. Additionally, vape pens or other e-cigarette cartridges with the batteries removed from the devices will be accepted for disposal. No sharps or liquids will be accepted.
According to the DEA, more than 670,136 pounds – 335 tons – of prescription drugs were collected at nearly 4,869 sites operated by 4,607 state and local law enforcement agencies the last time it was hosted in April 2024. Since the inception of National Take Back Day, there has been 18,570,487 pounds – 9,285 tons collected by the DEA and participating law enforcement agencies.
Woodbridge residents should bring unused and expired prescription drugs (if possible in the original prescription container but not a requirement) to the WPD located in the Town Hall Parking Lot, One Main Street. For more information contact the WPD at 732-634-7700 or visit: www.dea.gov/takebackday.