Mayor John E. McCormac and Woodbridge Township officials today announced the Grand Opening of Mayor Mac Café and welcomed the R.I.S.E. (Reaching Individual Student Excellence) students and staff to their permanent home in the newly remodeled Cypress Recreation Center in the Port Reading section of Woodbridge Township.
Mayor McCormac noted that Woodbridge Township received a $45,000 grant from the Kessler Foundation to fund the Mayor Mac Café employment training program at the Cypress Recreation Center. The Kessler Foundation awards Community Employment Grants each year to help increase and support employment and career outcomes for New Jersey Citizen’s with Disabilities. The Cypress Recreation Center and Mayor Mac Café, in conjunction with the Kessler Foundation, are assisting the special needs students in the R.I.S.E. program transition from school to adult life while they receive job training and workplace preparation in a kitchen/food services environment.
Joining Mayor McCormac to welcome the R.I.S.E. students and Café’ guests were Julie Bair, Director of Special Services (R.I.S.E. Program), Woodbridge Township School District Administration, Brian Molnar, Woodbridge Township Board of Education, Debbie Meehan, Woodbridge Township Councilwoman, James Carroll, former Woodbridge Township Municipal Councilman and liaison to the Woodbridge Township Special Needs Community, Vito Cimilluca, Director, Woodbridge Township Department of Recreation, John Cook, Coordinator, Cypress Recreational Center, Lillian Chavez, Food Service Director at Mayor Mac Café and the R.I.S.E. students staffing Mayor Mac Café.
The public is invite to stop by and experience the breakfast and lunch menu at Mayor Mac Café located at 881 West Avenue in Port Reading. Mayor Mac Café is open Mon. – Fri. from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Reservations not required. Call (732) 596-4165 for information.