Monday, February 10th
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As Mayor, one of the most important tasks I have is to make sure that every Woodbridge Township resident is “Safe & Secure” during an emergency.  As we have seen over the past couple of years, the threat of a disastrous storm (Super Storm Sandy and Hurricane Irene) or storm-related or emergency event is something that we must plan for well in advance.  The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has declared September as “National Emergency Preparedness Month” and Woodbridge Township is at work reminding residents that the best way to manage a disaster event is to be well-prepared well in advance. As part of our Township-wide emergency management plan, we have implemented a CodeRed emergency notification system.  If you would like to be contacted on your home, business, cell, VolP phone, or TTY/TDD system, you must register the phone number(s) with the Woodbridge Township Office of Emergency Management.  Please note that the service being offered is for Woodbridge Township residences and businesses only.  Go to the Township Web Page at: (Services & Forms – Emergency Services Registries) to register for CodeRed notification.  NOTE: IF YOU PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED A REGISTRATION FORM YOU DO NOT NEED TO RE-REGISTER. Don’t wait for a disaster to strike… Register to receive Woodbridge Township Office of Emergency Management CodeRed emergency messages. The Office of Emergency Management also maintains a “Safe & Secure” or “Special Need” registry for Township residents who may have difficulty leaving their home during an evacuation because of physical limitations or lack of transportation.  WHAT IS A “SPECIAL NEED”:  Residents who are non-ambulatory or wheelchair bound; connected to a respirator or dialysis machine; bedridden or critically ill; suffering from Alzheimer’s or a similar condition; diagnosed with impaired eyesight or loss of hearing; or have limited mobility, have a ‘Special Need’ and should register with the Woodbridge Township Office of Emergency Management – all information remains confidential and is used only in time of emergency evacuation.  Woodbridge Township residents with a “Special Need” (or caregivers on their behalf) are encouraged to complete a ‘Special Need’ registration form available from the Office of Emergency Management at 732-634-5401 or download the form from the Township Web Page at: (Emergency Service Registry).

I want to remind residents of our September events and programs:
“A Township Remembers: An Interfaith Memorial Service & Salute to Our First Responder Community”   September 11, 2019 stands as the 18th Anniversary of the “Attack on America.”  On that fateful day in 2001, nine Woodbridge Township residents fell victim to an act of terrorism – never to return to their families:  Cmdr. Patrick S. Dunn, Edward Allegretto, Marilyn Bautista, John Adam Larson, James Lynch, Charles Mauro, Tonyell McDay, Narender Nath, and Sankara Velamuri.  The Mayor’s Office, the Municipal Council and the Woodbridge Interfaith Clergy Council will host the annual 9/11 Memorial Service on Wed., Sept. 11, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. outside Town Hall (One Main Street) at the Township 9/11 Memorial Park.  This year, the 9/11 Remembrance Service will offer a special “Salute of Support” to our First Response community – the Woodbridge Police Department, Township Fire Fighters, First Aid Squad and Emergency Management personnel.  Plan to attend as we remember the sacrifice of the nine Township residents who perished in the attack and to honor our Emergency Service First Responders who respond to crisis – not just in time of disaster, but every day in every way.

The Central Jersey BeerFest – hosted by J.J. Bitting Brewing Company – is “on-tap” for Sat., Sept. 21 from 1:00 to 5:00 PM at Parker Press Park.  Experience New Jersey’s finest “hand-crafted” beers and brews… Great Food… Live Entertainment…  Admission:  $30.00 Adults.  $15.00 Non-Drink Adults.  Children under 12 FREE.  Tickets available at J.J. Bitting Brewing Co. (Main Street) and at the gate.  For Information Call: 732-634-2929.

“National Public Lands Day” is Sat., Sept. 28, 2019.  This year, we are encouraging Woodbridge businesses, residents, schools and community associations to participate in cleaning-up neighborhood parks, school grounds, playgrounds and public areas.  Volunteers can contact the Woodbridge Township Department of Recreation at 732-596-4047 or to register.  The Annual Ernie Oros Woodbridge River Celebration (Ernie Oros Wildlife Preserve, Omar Ave., Avenel) kicks-off at 9:00 AM.  FREE Festival Events… Food…  Live Music… Walking Tour of the Wildlife Preserve or Kayak the Woodbridge River with the NY/NJ Baykeeper.  Find us on FaceBook at: WoodbridgeNationalPublicLandsDay.

The 10th Annual “Tour de Woodbridge” bike tour rolls through town on Sun., Sept. 29, 2019.  Sponsored by the Mayor’s Wellness Campaign, the tour starts and finishes at The Club at Woodbridge (585 Main Street).  Attention Riders:  While the tour is recreational (30 or 15 miles) it does include some hills and the 30-mile length is a substantial distance that may be a challenge for new bikers and children.  Registration: 7:00 AM.  Tour: 8:00 AM.  Register today at: .